2nd Period Poets
Lisa Meyer
Big, tall, fat, small things.
All things that are around us.
Thin, flat, bulky too.
Kaylee Taylor
Krazy Night
After dinner I got ready
for bed when I got my clothes
I thumped my head, down
the picture went, crack onto the
floor then I heard someone
banging on the door so I screamed
“Mom get it” she says
“it’s your uncle Pat” so I had to
get it when I opened the
door nobody was there but a gust
of wind blew in my hair so
I slammed the door shut and went
back to bed for what I
find now is a creepy crawly in
my bed I got a tissue,
killed it, threw it out for now
it’s 2:00. I went to lay
down I can not go to sleep and
now I hear a little cheep,
cheep I look around, down, and under
my bed there was my little
sister and her little toy friend
so I scooted her out and
now it’s all about getting to sleep
you see but now my alarm
goes beep, beep, beep it’s time
for school and I did not
get any sleep. It’s been such
a krazy night.
Eric Alajko
Farm Animals
There are many farm animals
Like pigs and goats and
Cows that go moo,
The pig goes oink oink
And the mothers coo
Their babies as they go to sleep
And at night the farm animals
Don’t make a peep
But when morning comes
The rooster goes cock a doodle doo
And all the farm animals
Start to make noises too.
Justin Mook
Spring Haiku
When all the birds come.
The sprouting of the flowers.
Opening of pools.
Chelsea Szczesny
Nonsense Poem
The cars are honking
while she is walking
she sees all kinds of lights
flickering while she’s walking
the last things everyone heard
was a loud screak
and a bad scream
when the tire went
pshh they knew it
was flat the lady
didn’t see it coming
now she wishes she heard
that loud honking.
Rachel Wirtner
Tick-Tock goes the clock
as the creeky house sleeps
At half past three there’s
a very loud dong and still
the creepy house sleeps
The little mice squeek
they ran away from the
geek and still the old
house sleeps
When the morning comes
with the sun the birds
cheep as the house
creeks with the mice
squeaks and all the time
this was happening the
old clock still goes
Cassie Miller
I am
I am me
I am the brightest star in the sky
I am the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow
I am the sunshine of everyday
I am the rain that waters the flowers
I am the best part of your day
I am the sparkle in every smile
I am the punch line in every joke
I am the sunset that lightens your day
I am the horse that lightens your load
I am a butterfly in the summer sun
I am me
I am me! Like me
for who I am! I
am just me!
Jessoca Colosi
All it takes is a slip
a rip
a stain
the pain
oh here it comes
the blushing
the blood in a race to your face
out of the room
hide in a place so far away
so you can't hear anyone say
how embarassing!
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