8th Period Poets
Alexandria Rice
Shhhsss flames surround the steak with ease,
cla-clang he dropped the spoon bam the sink.
Ring, ring, ring the bell goes ding.
“Order up” the waiters sing.
Gurgle, gurgle,
The soup is done sss it steams on the table.
Dinner’s done ahh the delight,
the foil swan will crinkle. Click the light,
Matt Kozlowski
The sun starts to rise,
The flowers begin to bloom.
I love the spring.
Derek Pugh
Spring Haiku
The grass grows quite fast
The cold snow begins to melt
Trees grow back their leaves
Rebecca Mazurkiewicz
All About Me
I am as colorful as the rainbow…
I am a few french fries short of a
happy meal…
I am an everlasting gobstopper.
I am a thorn on a rose…
I am the day and night…
I am the sun in the sky…
I am as creamy as a creampuff…
I am as blue as the sky…
I am as skinny as a hockey stick…
I am saved by the bell…
I am a blooming tulip…
I am life
Marissa Ward
pop, pop, rub a dub dub
bubbles in the tub
in the tub
time to get out
time for bed
all pruned up…
squeek, splat on the floor
back in the tub
momma says
all dirty again
so time again to play
with pop,
splat, bubbles again
Kyle Browne
The Delight Song of Me
I am the bubbles in a bath
I am the lady bugs on the leaves
I am the chalk for the chalkboard
I am the carrots for the bunnies
I am the play-doe for the kids to play with
I am the glasses for people to see
I am the sun
I am the wind
I am the rain
I am the clouds
I am the snow
I am the grass
I am the angel in heaven
I am the devil downstairs
I am me and that’s what makes me, me
Mindy Mooney
Delight Song of Mindy
I am the sun in someone’s life
I am the love in someone’s soul
I am the muscle in someone’s body
I am also…
The dark in someone’s life
I am the devil in someone’s soul
I am the tumor in someone’s body
I am even…
The thoughts in someone’s brain
I am the eyes on someone’s face
I am the ears on someone’s face.
I am many different things to many different people
I am love, hurt, happiness, influence, and even more to discover,
But the main thing is I am LIFE.
Emily Mahony
Let’s go to the mall
we’ll have a ball,
we race out the door,
swish go some papers
as they fall to the floor,
vroom goes the car as we race down the street
beep as we honk the horn,
and I know I was born
to shop,
shop till I drop,
KRRPLUNK as I fall
we’re at the mall hooray!!
Let’s pick out a skirt
purple green or blue,
let’s pick out some shorts
that are just for you,
pick out some pants.
Kristen White
Annoying Cat
2 hrs past midnight
meowing at my door
my cat Tigger is there
he knocks down my stuff
with a crash he gets scared
I hear him snoring by my head
right after he tried to break my bed
when he purrs for food I forgive him
when he makes glass crash
I look for cash
but I love my annoying cat
Ben VanDette
Dirt Bike
It goes fast
vroom vroom to start it up
hit the gear click click.
Racing down the road swoosh
past the other.
I win, the cheering
yeah, yeah
the bike stalls
boom boom, click click.
I am tired
I am going to sleep Ahh
Shoo. Ahh Shoo
Alivia Roscoe
The Delight Song of Me!
I am me
I am the fly that won’t go away Buzz
I am the chocolate covered brownie that
everyone loves.
I am the clown at all the circuses
I am the annoying clock that goes tic tock
I am the star that brightens your life
I am the engine to your life.
I am the 97% water in you, w/out me you’re a raisin
I am the last things you think before you sleep
I am that baby you hear so annoying yet so cute
I’m a superhero sidekick.
I am the sparkle in all diamonds
I am the punch line of every joke
I am me.
I am me! Only me! Love
me for me! Everyone else does
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