6th Period Poets
Scott Howard
After getting hit
By a big red shiny truck
It fell in a ditch
Shane Cameron
Spring is a mystery
It rains and snows when it wants
Spring is wonderful
Lana Hanash
Summer Day
Summer sun
is full of fun
kids splash in the pool
because we’re out of school
We shout and play
play out all day
you hear kids yelling out HEYY
cars in the street
they go beep beep
but by 12 midnight
all the kids are out of sight
Tony Krezmien
A Robbery Starts
A man walked into the National Bank
When the clock was going tick-tock
He shot the gun with a bang
The bank cashier said dang!
The police have entered the bank
Everyone had finally sank
There were too many robbers
But many more sobbers.
The police attacked with a pow.
Robbers said ow.
Some robbers got hit with a smack
The officers have the bank back.
Chelsea Burns
The birds r chirping
The duckies r quacking see
There they r so cute
Kayla Kandefer
ZOOM…I rush into the store
I see all the sale signs galore galore
cha-ching I go to pay for my cart full of
clothes, OOH what a day!
I walk into aero and you can bet
you haven’t seen the rest of me yet
POWWW the dressing room door opens
eeeekk the door closes
I couldn’t help but strike all these poses
it’s the end of the day
two thousand dollars gone
I can’t help but yawn
how can so much money go so quick!?
when I tell my mom she’s gonna get sick
WOOSH just like that I’m out the door
I’m running so fast I’m not touching the
Emma Balk
The Delight Song of Emma
I am the dolphin blazing through the water.
I am the soccer ball being scored into the goal.
I am a palm tree swaying to and fro.
I am a fish shining brightly in the water.
I am the horse that runs freely across the plain.
I am the grain of sand being blown away into the breeze.
I am a glittering snowflake falling from the sky.
I am the pine cone on the very top of a pine tree.
I am the butterfly coming out of its cocoon.
I am the dreamer who dreams of these things.
You see, I am the dream.
I am the dream who dreams of these beautiful things.
Beautiful things that make up nature.
The kind of nature that makes me me.
Breeanna Supples
I Love Animals
There are a lot of different animals big and tall
But I like the monkeys best of all
They live in a jungle far and wide
Now here are the sounds you hear inside
Oh Ah, tweet, roar, sad but true bank and boom
The poachers are coming hear them chop
Through the heavy and thick bamboo they never stop
Bang there’s another shot
Chop there goes another stalk
Rushing through the jungle the animals must hide
Hear their cries far and wide
Tweet, ROAR!, where to go
The poor animals that are way too slow
Crash goes down a tree and hide in a bush
Wait do you hear that sound?
Silence is it safe to roam?
Meghan Dobson
Ding-Dong the doorbell rang,
Tick-Tock went Grandpa’s clock,
I went to the door and what,
Oh my Cha-ching oh my,
The man was like you won,
You won the jackpot.
Quack, quack, went the ducks,
Woof, woof went the dog,
I walked to my couch and,
Ring, ring the telephone rang,
It was the man who,
Was at the door,
He said no way that is mine,
My money, my money,
I went boo-who.
Ward Beaton
I was listening to my boom box
And it made me wanna sniff the rox
Until I realized they were bad and some weird things happen
to ur health
Like: some people think their gonna fly stealth
And your ears start ringing
U get really dizzy
Then your life becomes busy
You should realize drugs are bad
When your body smacks the ground
U call out for help but no one’s around
So here it goes drugs drown your life away
Christi Marts
Life on the Ranch
The ranch is filled with many sounds.
Many animals on the prowl.
Horses and pigs,
Chickens and cows,
saying oink, nay, bark and moo.
Donkeys, pigs, horses, cows and ducks,
Hee-haw, oink, and nay,
Moo and quack,
This is life on the ranch.
Luke Cristina
Vacation it's fun
Vacation in the sun
Come to Florida.
Tara Benczkowski
The Delight Song of Tara
I am a leaf that dances with the breeze
I am a teddy bear that cuddles when you please
I am a hurricane, as messy as can be
Sometimes I'm so messy, it's tough to be with me
I am a snake, so sneaky, you don't know
I am a video, sit down and enjoy the show
I am a joke book full of laughter here and there
I am a smile and it shows I really care
It's hard to describe me,
I am many different things
I am a microphone
All different voices sing.
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